

· Get ​​the opportunity to become our partner.

The story of OLDCOM begins in the year 1994 in the Republic of Moldova with the foundation of OLDCOM SA, a local leader in the light industry specialized in producing shoes and accessories. The process took only 2 machines and 12 workers. The big, 10 000 m2 factory was built in 2005 to fulfill the production standards and demand, a thing which allowed the factory to diversify its products. As a result, OLDCOM became a leader in the Moldovan market in shoe production. At this point, OLDCOM produces 500 different shoe models for men, women, and kids.

Those different shoe models are very much appreciated inside the country as well as on the outside, Moldova has a chain of 17 OLDCOM stores and online shop.  This was the main factor that determined OLDCOM to expand into the Ukrainian (2010), Romanian (2016), Bulgarian, Czech, and other countries’ markets. Because of the large selection, comfort, and accessible prices, these OLDCOM products became largely appreciated and loved so the number of clients is constantly growing.

We care about the environmental and social impact of our shoe production. At OLDCOM FACTORY, sustainable manufacturing is at the core of all our operations and it starts right at the procurement stage of raw materials. We strive to create shoes and accessories using economically sound processes, minimizing the negative environmental impacts on society while conserving energy and natural resources.
  • Products are in practice collected and sorted to be reused, remade, recycled
  • The fabrics we use are mostly eco-friendly linen, cotton, and other materials minimally harmful to the environment.
  • Packaging is minimized, and is made from reusable, recyclable, or compostable materials
  • Production, supply chain practices and technologies ensure the effective use of resources, for example by optimizing the use of water, energy, chemicals, and materials.
  •  Above all, our craftsmen are at the core of our manufacturing process, and thus we treat our employees fairly to enhance the community at large

We are open to long-term cooperation with our partners and are ready to offer a flexible system of discounts.

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Contact us:

☎ + 373 (60) 44-95-44

☎ + 373 (68) 14-14-44


Republic Moldova, Chisinau, st. Industriala 34/1